Reasons to Visit a Dental Clinic in Trumbull CT

by | Jul 24, 2018 | Dentist

Whether it’s a moderate toothache, mouth sensitivity, or even if you’re just noticing tooth decay, it’s time to schedule a dental visit. Teeth and mouth issues are not to be taken lightly. Many people power through pains or cover up major dental issues with pain relievers, but solving these issues are essential in maintaining the longevity of the teeth. When deciding on whether or not to visit a Dental Clinic in Trumbull CT, it is important to recognize common dental issues and the procedures dentists use to remedy them.

Tooth Sensitivity and Enamel Decay

Tooth sensitivity causes pain or discomfort when the teeth are exposed to different elements like hot or cold food and drinks, sweet foods, or other extreme flavors. Many people encounter this discomfort while eating ice cream or drinking ice water. A very common cause of sensitivity in the teeth is enamel decay. The health of the enamel worsens when acidic liquids contact the teeth, such as soft drinks and a lot of juices. Other eroders include sugary diets and direct damages such as friction and chipping. Decay can be prevented by reducing intake of acidic foods and drinks, pairing them with water, switching to a softer toothbrush and brushing regularly.

Toothaches and Common Causes

Toothaches can occur for a variety of reasons including accidents, grinding teeth, neglect, or damages to previous dental work. It is important to visit a dentist if there is noticeable damage or the pain persists for more than a couple of days or if the pain is severe. Common symptoms include swelling, general pain or pain from pressure, and possibly even fevers or drainage from the tooth in severe cases. Many toothaches are a result of tooth decay that causes cavities or even breakage to the teeth.

Visiting a Clinic

Many tooth issues can be hard to diagnose, and a simple call to a professional can do wonders. Visiting the “Contact us” page of a local Dental Clinic in Trumbull CT can provide some contacts and numbers to reach professionals. Simple questions like asking if some sensitivity should be concerning or asking if slight enamel decay is worth the visit can help monetarily and can provide insight and peace of mind. While self-diagnosis isn’t recommended, understanding potential causes and preventative measures can assist in reducing worries and preventing dental pain in the future.

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