Teeth Bonding in Midwest City OK is an extra strong professional resin dental cement in the form of 2 gels and, when mixed, forms a semi-temporary glue for fixing and resealing dental crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, veneers, etc. The peculiarity of this dental cement, unlike other commercial dental cement, is that it can compensate for open spaces that appear between the crown and the tooth below. It fills these gaps, which makes the tooth watertight thus giving the wearer long-lasting results over time.
Why is bonding necessary?
Because chewing leads to significant tooth pressure, a person’s pivot teeth may loosen, or their crowns may fall out. However, once this type of incident occurs, getting an appointment with a dentist on the same day is not always possible. Worse still, such a situation could happen while the individual is traveling or on vacation.
A quality product recognized by dentists
It is essential to ensure the dental cement used is of high quality. If it isn’t, the ingestion of toxic substances could damage the gums and cause irritation more or less unpleasant. Allergic reactions can be quite impressive and cause burns or painful canker sores.
The bonding agent used should be a dental cement that meets government standards. While many products may leave gaps, only reliable Teeth Bonding in Midwest City OK provides completely waterproof results. Also, the quality of the product must allow users to benefit from an extra-strong bonding.
Tips for optimal use
Before the dentist applies the agent, he or she should clean the crown and remove any debris that may weaken the bonding. They must take the time to remove any traces of previous cement (if necessary). In addition to this cleaning, the crown to be glued must also be perfectly dry, because any wetness can make dental cement ineffective. As for the person’s oral hygiene, it is recommended brush and then rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash before bonding.
Once everything is glued, avoid chewing on the side of the treated crown for a few hours so that the fixation hardens even more. In general, avoid eating sticky foods (they will cling to the crown and make the cement more fragile). Visit the website for more information. You can also follow them on Twitter.